Anyone who has ever been friends with an artist can attest to the fact that they are unconventional people. They are commonly impulsive, unpredictable and extreme. The unique combination of mental faculties that enable them to create art also give them a largely unconventional lifestyle. The fact of the matter is, an artist needs these unique thought patterns and brain mechanisms in order to maintain their abilities as an artist, however, they can also cause artists problems. Artists are known for their reckless, unpredictable ways – a common bi-product to the functioning of an artist’s brain.
Creativity is the most obvious attribute of an artist’s personality. Their talent and vocation depends on their ability to be creative, so they need to exercise their creative imagination regularly. The downside to this personality trait is an extreme dislike for the confines of structure. A creative mind expects to be able to disseminate and recreate everything they are involved in, as well as reject authority figures.
Fluidity is another commonly observed aspect of an artist’s personality. When someone’s personality is fluid, it means they are likely to be ever changing and are highly unpredictable. Artists often possess this trait because they are fluid in their imaginations, entertaining a range of ideas and sampling different outlooks to see which one suits them. Negatively speaking, this trait can influence someone to be wishy-washy and generally unstable.
And lastly, artists are very passionate people. In a world that grossly undervalues its artists, passion is necessary in order to see to the creative process. Artists can attest to the fact that their work means everything to them, which is why one can frequently observe an artist working for countless hours on end. The drawback to this personality type is that artists can be overly emotional, about their work and about life in general. Artists are known for their extreme sensitivity and their tendency to make choices based on their emotions.